5 months: Studies, investigations and actions at CICD

6 months: Volunteering with Humana People to People in an African country or in India

1 month:   Conclusion and sharing your experiences with the public

Help with Search courses

C12 - Period 2 - Forces that Run the World

 * The four Ms: Media, military, money and Movements  * Historical Materialism  * The Face of Imperialism  * War and Peace  * Surveillance Capitalism  * Militarism  * People's Movements through History  * People & Politics in the Project countries  * Language

Duration: 4 weeks

C12 - Period 3 - The Fight of the Poor & Solidary Humanism

* Africa/India studies  * The Fight of the Poor  * Colonialism & The Scramble for Africa  * Apartheid Past and Present  * Alienation & Liberation  * Development Concepts  * The Federation of HPP  * The Power of Community  * Humankind - A Hopeful History - Rutger Bregman  * Leadership Training  * Invetigation Skills  * The Poor in Europe

Duration: 7 weeks

C12 - Period 4 - Man and Nature in Hot Embrace

 * The Ecological Rift & The 9 Planetary boundaries  * Riches & Potentials in the World & Project Country  * The richness of cultural diversity  * Garden Farming as a Necessity  * 40 Green World Actions  * Project Skills  * Bringing It to The Public  * Leadership Training

Duration: 3 weeks

C12 - Period 5 - Our project - our Project country - Ready to take off

* Project Skills  * Leadership Training   * 40 Green World Actions  * Where there is no Doctor  * Our Health  * Open Future

Duration: 4 weeks